5th grade Instructional Guide


McGraw Hill: Using Energy

Using Energy Teacher Edition *Student edition materials have been added to the Unit 4 student consumable. Page numbers below reference those page numbers as well as those in the Teacher Edition.

Module: Natural Resources in the Environment

Lesson 1: Energy from Nonrenewable Resources Lesson 2: Energy from Renewable Resources

Lesson 3: Impact of Energy Use Lesson 4: Design Energy Solutions


30 min Learning Intentions:

TEpg 134-135 SEpg 258-259

I am learning how to think like an Environmental Scientist.

Lesson: HowCan I become an

Success Criteria: I’ll know when I have learned it when I can write a persuasive article on where coal, natural gas, solar, wind, water, and nuclear energy are derived from.

Environmental Scientist? and Energy Choices

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