5th grade Instructional Guide

Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department

Disciplinary Literacy in Math

Disciplinary literacy is important because each discipline represents different cultures that:

● have different purposes and approaches to knowledge ● use different methods to gain information ● depend on different kinds of evidence ● write different kinds of text ● read with those differences in mind

Look for patterns and analyze information to help fnd the answers to a problem. Logical, accurate problem-solving and reasoning lead to true answers. Analysis of proofs, solutions, explanations, graphs, data and contextual situations to fnd the answer to mathematical questions.




Is the student thinking accurate and logical?


Proofs (of hypotheses), solutions to problems, explanations of mathematical processes; contextual situations Every word, symbol and graph should be read carefully, and texts should be reread. Need to look for patterns and errors.


Approach to Reading

● Precision - in defnitions and in the way text is read ● Effciency ● Mixture of prose, formulae, graphics

● Reading order changes (don’t always read left to right) ● Abstraction and generalization (intense reading needed) ● Concepts described in relation to each other (e.g. a triangle is described as a relationship between the three sides)

Text Characterizations

Words with precise defnitions that are different than general meanings e.g., factor, prime


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