
train them. I don't know what I'll do when you graduate." Somehow the reference to the funds being from the research grant, and not her bank account, slid right by. He was still trying to weigh the green of money and grass against the purple of his face if he actually breathed cut grass - fresh cut grass. "You are a bargain." That may have been flattery or not, perhaps, a sincere statement of need by his appreciating mentor trying to help out. Yes. He had to agree. She needed him. He needed money. But the asthma thing... He had spent many an evening in an emergency room - purple in the face - from grass he didn't even see - just down wind... Jesus.. grass... a thousand easy bucks. Grass. Bucks. Does being smart help? "Can you get me face masks?" he asked her, already figuring ways around his limitation. "Sure. Why.?" "I get asthma from cut grass." "Oh. Sure, I'll get them today." And she did. Quickly. Masks handed over on top of one thousand dollars in cash. Interesting juxtaposition, he thought to himself - put on a mask and hey, lady, hand over all that cash. A steal. She nudged him from his brief absence, "Put it away. Don't leave it out. Remember, don't declare it." Don't declare it? Jeez.. that's getting... well... The real test of Marcus's college education was explaining to his mother and father why he needed the store's Volkswagen van and the power lawn mower once a week. Everybody just knew that Marcus riding in the same vehicle with a used lawn mower might kill him. Ahh, but there was science! What's the point of all that science if you

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