
circumstances. But here, she was trying to not be put on, a behavior to which Marcus was inclined. He had a twisted sense of humor, espousing the extravagantly weird, as a way of demonstrating the irrational in a given circumstance. And so, despite a continuing spirited background Immaculata-takes-on-The-Table event, Shannon grabbed Macaluso by the shoulder turning him around to face her and looked him right in the eyes. "God spoke to you through a Mister Misty?" He quaked his head and neck the way a dog shakes off water, taking a moment to shift to what she was asking from out of seemingly nowhere. Then, "Burning bush - Mister Misty - What's the difference?" Mac remarked with stone seriousness. "Was the old man God?" she lead him on, intrigued. "Actually, his name was Gabriel." "Oh, that's it! Stop this." "No, seriously. His name was Gabriel. He went by Gabby." "Damn. You're serious!" She could see that he was. The straight at you eye bugging glare that was used to deliver exaggeration was missing. When he peered at some vacant space, he was pulling back old memories. "Serious? Yeah, you bet. This is no bull shit." "How many times did you actually cut that lawn?" "Just the once. God smote her ass, he did. Just the once. And her rats died, to boot." "The mice? Oh, you didn't!" "Me? No no no. It was right out of the blue! Maybe some kind of rat virus from Mars. Maybe she got them cheap. Who knows? Those were celestially doomed rats. I

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