
"I know. When do you get to make real food? Move this way. Yeah like that. Take this away." The x-ray tech slid the large C-shaped fluoroscopic frame which embraced the table out of the way. "Looks nice. Real food? Like what?" "Mmmm.. s'been so long... like, like, shrink wrapped soggy breakfast buns rendered suitable for tube feeding. OK, Gerry. It's a wrap. Tell Lou we're using the small hand table for the next case. No x-ray. Next one is lead free." A chorus of praise the Lord followed. No matter how interesting or uplifting surgery is, dressed in lead you are miserable. There were things to do in change over. Actually quite a few, but it was much like a rushed stage change in the theatre with all tasks performed simultaneously, hopefully without anybody tripping over anybody else. As red bagged wet drapes were dragged away along with balled up inside out rubber gloves, the mops were right on their trail cleaning the floor. Satellite lamps were wiped down. Set-up tables were swapped. Instruments had already been counted even before the final sutures were trimmed. Now they were sorted for cleansing and second inventory. A few items needed sharpening and got set aside. Supplies for the next case were recounted and logged in as checked against procedure cards. The overhead lights were repositioned for upper extremity work as bipolar electrocautery ground wires were quickly strung beneath the hand table. Hoses were pulled off the anesthesia machine and the internal lines purged. The CO2 absorption canister was checked as were backup oxygen and inhalant gas tanks. Syringes for five emergency drugs were lined up on the anesthesia table with

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