
and the bottom of the page. Write out every detail of the two hours of instructions given to the family. Have them cosign each page. Have them cosign each topic. Keep triplicate copies. Make sure every topic, from the cloudy list that ever escalates, is included. Skip none. So yes, relate what instructions of sexual restrictions were given to the three year old who was sent home after an infection of the knee was drained. Do not skip that driving a motor vehicle is to be restricted for how many days? Did that three year old male have a pregnancy counseling session? When can that other child who is totally paralyzed, resume stair climbing? Was the paranoid schizophrenic, who jumped from a roof because Jews with ray guns were chasing him, given nutritional supplements and instructions on their use? How many more unproductive details of requirement, always disconnected and retrospective, could they possibly add or extend? Possibly? Remember that infinity of infinities? An infinity of reflections in an infinity of jewels? These bastards had a lock on everybody's jewels, and could these suckers reflect! Short of a regional hospital shut down catastrophe, doctors simply had no chance bucking the JC. Gerry Yount summed it up, "They're boogers we just gotta pick." That became the official metaphor of the JC. First and foremost was the competition between services to not get nailed by Gerry's flying boogers. Because today was the booger time to beat all booger times, the table was generally abandoned. Only Shannon and Marcus were there. A third regular attendee nearly made it. "No muscle freak to run defense? Hey Lone Ranger and Tonto, where's the posse today?" An approaching Ivory taunted with a big smile. "Pickin boogers."

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