
"Oh Jesus. Today?" He reeled out, leaving his food behind, mumbling about bips and boogers, boogers and bips and somebody whose name sounded something like Ernie Asshole. The Lone Ranger and Tonto tag was a common one coming from Ivory. Marcus claimed the Tonto label, Shannon obviously The Lone Ranger as it was she who took on all the causes and rode into sunsets. She went to the state meetings. She attended the Developmental Disabilities Task Force hearings. She petitioned the commissioner's office and went in person to any place of power which might have an ear. And, for the most part, she went alone. The joke went, "Who can press more? Peter or Shannon?" The answer was obvious. Even Belachnik, himself, without hesitation, pointed at the ever driven Shannon O'Brien when that riddle was first posed. "Lone, may I call you Lone?" "Yes, Tonto," she smiled. "We eat alone, Lone." "Just as well," Shannon sighed, "I could stand a bit of quiet. Got all your charts gussied up?" He told her the charts could go leap off a cliff which didn't make sense but did capture his regard for the process. When chided that he was going to be an outcast if his charts were the only ones found defective he returned that being defective to the JC was an honorable attainment of professionalism and an act of self sacrifice, which she didn't get. She did her squint eye head shake for elaboration. Well, it seemed very obvious to Doctor Macaluso that the JC was going to stick it to the hospital. If they did everything perfectly, they would still get screwed by the JC. The difference is that if you do things perfectly and they invent new ways to screw you, and they are very good at

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