
"Uh-uh, Tonto got no clue Kimosabe," Mac shrugged, but just knew that it would mean more work. Fortunately he was an insomniac and she wasn't. He had a built in safety valve with her projects. "Dorothy Bela? Rings a bell-uh?" As Mac was still shrugging, "Doctor Dorothy Bela, law professor, Teson Hall Law school?" There was something familiar there. He was just starting to reel in a leaping fish of a recollection. "Was that the law professor we tried to get to meet with us over the HMO crap?" "No. That's Dryfus. This is HIS boss. She's chief of the department. Dryfus is the one you're remembering. Damn, I've been after these folks for over two freaking years! And out of the blue... well.. not totally out of the blue... but who'd a known... " Macaluso nudged her with a comment about her needle being stuck. She went on, "Remember that Celtic Arts night, I tried to drag you to? You finked out. Well, I met Sean Price." "uhhh.. vaguely.. mmm, .." still not reeling this hard catch reflection. "Well HE is on the board of the law school. He's the connection. John set him up But O'Brien, not pausing, continued, ".. for his daughter's wedding." Macaluso was now amending his question to what, chop the bride's headoff? And as Shannon went on, he went on ammending - finally to the groom's head off with no idea of how utterly possible that actually was. Shannon was half ignoring him but did insist that Gaffy would never chop a ladies head off to which he teased, "Sooo, you're safe." "Yes. I am, Tonto." with Gaffy McGuiness.. " as Marcus's eyebrows came to life. He blurted, "To what? Chop the guys head off? Or is it balls?"

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