
There were length and tension readjustments to be performed before closure and final cast application, but the hardest parts were completed. "Kathy? Yo. Kathy, forget that stuff. Grab a suture and start closing these while I tidy up here." The anesthesiologist had turned off the radio anticipating lightening the patient. The goal was having the child breathing solo and nearly awake by the time the body cast was finished but not actively moving before the cast was hard. A stethoscope taped directly to the chest had one ear-piece for the lungs and the other for the heart. It wasn't wise to trust everything to electronics of which there was plenty. "O - sixty five." holding out a down turned palm expectantly, "Then, get the zero chromics, followed by two's, and five-o poly for top closure..." a twisting finger gesture conveyed how the hand off was to be positioned. Mandy, the circulating nurse, waited for a lighter moment, while they were finishing the details of the legs of the cast, "Hey Mac, nice spica, you should do that for a living. You have a congress lady waiting on your bod." "A what? What? Here hold this. What? Who? Who wants my bod?" Mandy repeated, in a mocking way, "A con-gressss lady is here to meet with youuuu. Ooo ooo ooo. You planning to run for office, Mac?" laughing.

"Me? Yeah, right. Who is it?" "Congresswoman Woodrow."

She could have said "A plague of frogs." Really, what's the difference? How could any of them have known that hell was bursting at the seams and about to vent?

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