
you play on OUR field, but only if WE enjoy the sport and the field is not fouled. But the ism sayers would have you believe that they have some innate overriding right to plunder US, in OUR home, in the name of THEIR ism. Well, screw them and their isms." Shannon's lower lip was nearly inside out as Macaluso was now fisting the table, "But now, they have gone further. Now we see corporations, under the guise of capital- ism, eroding, rewriting the laws that protect us, choking the courts with nit picking issues that hide the only issue - acquisition of power - theirs. What are they doing? Just like Hitler, what can they do? They do what they can. They go as far as far allows. Our history has drawn lines, lines of we the people. They are not ignoring the lines, they are systematically erasing the lines. They ravish the land, they brutalize people, and sing loud songs of capitalism. Yet, they are not in balance. Not now. They might just as well be storm troupers or the red guard. Don't expect justice from them. Don't expect due consideration from these bastards. They are predators. And they ARE smart. They rewrite the law to insure their meals of humanity." Shannon was reeling from this blast of darkness, "Whoa.. hang on. There are good people out there. We're good people. We count. It's up to us to be smart and vocal." "No!" His finger was raised shaking as he insisted, "It's up to us to be smart and effective. Who the hell want's to be Joan of Arc? If a devil has been loosed you might well need another devil to consume its power. The mere existence of power is not the problem. Power without a negative counterpart is what evil actually is. Evil is unfettered power. Unfettered power is evil. Isms don't mean shit. Argument is word on words. Words that go nowhere. A tapestry of verbiage shrouds accumulations of power. What an awful combination, huge power and decisions made behind closed doors. You can

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