
>> Panorama <<

(time travel, mind carriage) It wasn't exactly the tribes of Israel wandering years in the desert, but it had the same feel, driving aimlessly with a truck full of rum banana ice cream, somehow drawn toward a place of mind. Some inner voices don't speak in words. They nudge assent or discomfiture as decisions are weighed. No. Not straight. A right? Yes. For a while, memories of old family stories kept mum, not exposing themselves. So, he had no conscious idea of where he was headed, but something inside knew exactly. An agitation, not quite an aura, directed him. Take that left, not the far left. Mmmm. It was still early morning despite a long stretch of time that seemed to be passing. Right now, time was psychic, a mix of pasts were bubbling up, thoughts reeling transiently in his mind not connected solidly to present time in the real world. Another left, up the hill. That felt right. Suburbia had peeled away. Follow the curves. Stay on this road to the top. Familiarity was seeping in. There. The top. Clearly looking north, suddenly before him, he saw on the far heights well off in the distance, two monolithic silhouettes that were unmistakably the 'projects' of North Mountain. The wandering Piper had journeyed up South Mountain into the lookout area created by Civil Defense during World War II. He smiled a slightly wicked smile of recognition, though he had never been here before. So this is where all the girls come to be groped. He wondered if Civil Defense authorities had built that into their specs, once the war is over Civil Defense lookout sites must be suitable for bare assed teenagers in back seats.

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