
any kind of grip. Prio knew where things were going, always. He knew where to be in order to be first in being there. He knew how high to climb and when to jump. He was a man of sensitivity - to place, to time and to needs. He fulfilled needs having had no respect for the local government cheats. He could buy and sell them. And he did. Prio was a man of wide ranging experience and vision. He was a true family man dedicated to his wife, to his children and his sister Rose. It was Rose whose childhood enlightened spirit faltered in the constraints of her own marriage wedged between two determinate men - not unlike the town below wedged between two immutable mountains. Louis Prio was the main hand and arm of brother-in-law Charles Sabia, Illinois Fat, who, together with and supported by Louis, controlled all Mafia activity east of the Mississippi. Charles Sabia spent much of his time in this city of silk and color. There was much going on here, more than in Chicago, where he was officially in residence. The North Ward was a place of trade, a place of constant opportunities, and a good place to keep an eye on New York City without being too threatening. Mr. Sabia, as the locals called him, never anything else, in marrying Louis's sister Rose, sealed a bond between two very powerful men, each of whom was without a rival. Think about it. Is the history of Europe any different? Kings whose claims are family and power alliances or mobsters? Whose law did either follow? Or did they make their own law? Do you think justice was a driving force in their hard earned personal law? If you're shaking your head yes, how do you breathe with your head up there? Ahh. But, in this case, there was a difference. There was more than buttressed power between them. They liked each other. Prio and Sabia not only liked each other, they liked each other's company, and came to be like brothers. Before their huge

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