
God takes away and God gives. Who knows how and who knows when? But, was this punishment? Why? Was there a why? Is there punishment? Is there mercy? God. Mercy. What's the bill? The cost of mercy? Are there next chances? Is redemption possible? Can contrition undo monumental loss? The men who ask God these questions have no knees left and babble shit at you when you ask them for clarity. You ask God questions, but He doesn’t answer. He has already placed all the answers with us and we know it but none of them are easy. The still small voice. Don’t ask. You already know. It is fixed, accessible, and only clouded by carefully crafted disbelief, disbelief which is in itself not to be believed. Disbelief has to be worked at and does not come easy. You want truth? Come back to this parking lot tonight and sneak up on some car as it is bouncing up and down to moans from within. Rip the door open and scream inside "AHA! WHAT IS THIS?" This may be two dead kids from heart attack or you getting your ass kicked, or just a good show. There are many truths, but we waste our lives seeking the wrong ones. Why? Because pretenders to truth babble. There is no lack of clarity in that back seat. But God's truths are dished out as puzzles in word play by disheveled nut cases who seem to unable to focus their eyes on real objects. There is no shortage of folks who talk to God. A small adjustment in their medications usually fixes that, providing they don't draw too large a following. Who do you believe? It's in the signs. See? That guy is talking to God? Where? There, in the toilet bowl. OK. Take him away. Easy fella. Put him in the padded cell with the guy who sees angels in his whipped cream. Everybody sees angels in their whipped cream. For Christ's sake, only a nut would have to point it out. Really! So, consider this, if you were vacillating over a decision whether to purchase a blue covered composition

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