
Frankie's mother would not, never ever, allow her son to marry into the Putonei. This Frankie's family had scruples to a passion. It could never be. Such things cannot be coerced. To accept this Frank, Louis Prio had to accept God on God's terms. You can call it epiphany or God having you by the balls, what's the difference? You want to spit in the Big Fella's face? Go ahead, but do it where the flash of heat won't melt the rest of us. Here was Louis Prio with enough money for several lifetimes, more successful businesses than any man could desire. How could he want? Yet, he did. Here he was. He was nothing but want. He wanted this boy. He wanted this marriage. He was not willing to soil God's second chance with his connections. Nor with guile. Daughter Rose just teared and kissed her father on the head as he once again dropped to his knees and embraced her legs, sobbing "I will not fail you God." as she choked back, "Oh. Daddy?" That very same Louis Prio whose entrance parted seas of men before him, as if humbled in the presence of God Almighty, went again on knee before the mother of this Frankie. He was getting adept at this, and made her a promise. He called her Virgin Mother, and be certain, Mrs. Franchesca didn't laugh at that reference until much later after she carefully looked out of all her windows and in an empty nervous gesture checked the side room to be sure she was alone. After all, she weighed about two hundred eighty pounds and was called all sorts of things, but never that. And to be called THAT by the most powerful man in the east! Her immediate response was dead serious, driven by a mother’s concern for her son, danger be damned. "My boy Frankie, he's a good a boy. You no a shame ona him! I makea curse you maka shame ona my Frankie." Then she served him some calamari

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