
Every day weird stuff happens. We expect it. Somewhere, to somebody, something outlandish happens. Not a miracle. Shit happens. Kismet. Chaos. Whatever. Still not celestial? When in that chaos of all creation we see an island of order, is that enough? Is that God? Who knows how such things happen, but Charles Sabia, out of the blue, ignorant of any of these goings on, gave Prio the lead he needed. "Louis," he began in a manner only to be construed as a serious moment, one of revelation, "I am your brother. No, better than a brother! I love you like brother, a son, and a father rolled into one." Something big was coming. Louis did a very characteristic upward thrusting lower lip with head nod in uninterupting affirmation. Something very very big was coming. "Ho bisogno della Sua benedizione." "You need MY blessing?" A surprised Prio recoiled as if there could be nothing on earth which would require any approval on his part, "Mio fratello, come posso dargli io una benedizione?" Brother, how can I bless you?" Now mind you, there was no man, no money, no debt, no title, no inducement that could have come between these two men. That was clear. That clarity made them, as a pair, horribly dangerous, totally respected, overwhelmingly effective and personally secure. But as surely as Apollo knew of the grip of Thetis, there is always some point of diminishment, a blemish, an edge that can unravel. Referring clearly to a lapse of fidelity to Louis's sister Rose, " Louis, sono innamorato di un altro donna." Louis, I am in love with another woman. Cataclysm. Here it was, the one lone conceivable that mocked the infinitude of unimaginables. This was the only thing, the only dangerous thing that could have come between these two men. And, yet, talk about a hammer between the eyes! Bam! Sabia only paused long enough for Prio to gasp and reel

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