
power vacuum that invited storm, which placed this family, above others, at risk. Holdings can't be held forever. These were not arrogant people they knew about volatility. They were exposed and exposure had to create vulnerability in the other new and uniniated branches of the family - the Franchesca's and the Macaluso's. Look at the two world wars, static bulwarks do not protect against invasion. You need to keep a well armed army. Half of the family was potential prey. Good people make great hostages. Louis knew too much. Was the protection of these innocents in his covenant? Don't ask God, but his priest, Joe Gallo, Father Joe. The good father could give you the obvious answer. This man of God knew in his heart of hearts, the answer, being part of the solution. Frank Franchesca's sister "Emily" to her friends, named Maria Carmella at birth, carried a family trait that ran generations, innate and uncanny musical abilities, the kind that musicians would die for. It was effortless. She no more labored over musical expression than over ordinary thought. Music was easy. Life was not. She never allowed herself, nor did Jazz Man, her husband, ever allow help, that is advantage, from the 'easy side' of the family. The drilling of honesty into the Macaluso children's heads was not derived from mere philosophical tenets. Temptations were simply too near and too easy to succumb to. Jazz Man's origins were much more simple. His father, Giovanni Macaluso, was a cobbler who apprenticed in the first shop he passed, still soaking wet and bare footed from jumping off a merchant ship on which he had stowed away, at the age of eight, to come to America. That young apprentice eventually became sole proprietor of the shop. What an interesting place it was when seen through the absorbing eyes of a child. There was but one big engine in the rear of the building. That one power source ran

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