
music, and not so much to the words, but he couldn't help but hear them - pass the meatballs, please. An evil thought overcame him. Screw the Piper. Drive the ice truck backwards - in REVERSE - down Market Street! Hah. That was the street his father's store was on, miles long, the busiest street in the city. It was the same street that, years ago, vacated all cars for miles for two whole days because Mr. Prio merely remarked to Nino that he was getting furniture for his sister Rose, "See to it that the trucks have a place to park." To explain the traffic absence on the main thoroughfare, Hayn's newspapers reported that a sewer check was being conducted - using vibration equipment. The only vibration was Nino. Nino merely asked for no obstructions to trucks. The rest was pure panic. Those who knew Nino thought they could see a twinkle in his eye on hearing about this gross over reaction, but, then, who actually knew him? But there were lines that were not to be crossed. One such line was drawn, years ago, on that very same street right in front of the, then, city hall. That line was ignored. Too bad. Maybe that is why they over reacted later. Marcus felt a premonition, as he resumed his progress off the observation point and down South Mountain into the old town, forward - not backward - that somehow he was driving into his future. He had no idea that he was also going backward into his past, a past that he did not know that he had. Either way he was connecting his own dots, drawing his own lines.

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