
>> The Line <<

Nino was known to some as Nino the Line Man. Louis Prio made a point. From that, Nino drew a line. It was an unambiguous trademark, a black line drawn in some meaningful way in some obvious place. You cross it - you die. A black line from shoulder to shoulder on a corpse whose head was screwed 180 degrees backward, and whose mouth contained some clue of the trespass, was also clear. Nicholas Nalletto, or Nicky the Nail, was, for a short time, a young assistant assigned to Nino, who tolerated him. He embellished the warning with notices and messages - of sorts - nailed to Nino's lines. Nalletto later parted and went his own way with the family break up. Prio didn't like it, an insider as a free agent, but allowed it - 'for the peace'. Besides Nalletto had three sons and a daughter. As erratic as he was, all brutality without measure, without vision, yet with kids to raise, he just might cool down. Nino and Nicky the Nail handled the sticky Donzia problem. Billy Donzia, son of the city prosecutor was a local screw up who fancied himself a ladies man. Billy didn't wait for approval of his advances. Fathers of daughters fouled by the young Donzia, some, but not all, Italian, pled their case to Louis because local authorities refused to even take their statements. Prio had a big distaste for rape to start with. "Nino, this father is not acting responsibly." is all he said. Nino only mused, rubbing his chin, Forse responsabilità non è nel suo sangue perché il suo sangue non è nella sua responsabilità. Perhaps, responsibility is not in his blood because his blood is not in his responsibility . A large black line was drawn around the prosecutor's office building with Billy's name nailed to the line, right into the concrete. A clay phallic symbol was also nailed

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