
boundaries, but had crossed the line. Yet it hadn't actually been drawn. So it was. A simple warning. A big black line was drawn in front of the city hall on the cement division between traffic lanes in that section of Market Street where buses regularly stopped to let off and pick up passengers. On seeing the line with the names of city fathers and their family members and their lawyers names nailed into the concrete, buses and cars and pedestrians simply stayed away. Permanently. How many years, decades, has it been? Busses still do not go there. The transit authority stated that the new city hall bus stop would be Grand Street for the convenience of their passengers. The plain folk did not want to be around when the anticipated blood bath began. The mayor announced that inspection of the proposed new legislation showed many logistical flaws and probable hardship producing areas as well as legal inconsistencies. The city did not, and clearly would never, support such legislation even though it was given the normal consideration - as would any bill - good or bad. Harrison Hayn was furious. Insiders said that he was so enraged that he streamed vile epithets for three straight hours and only concluded when his voice totally gave out, although he went on squeaking unintelligibly for an hour after that. He had a huge piece of this pie already in his mouth. His name on that line made him swallow pride instead. Power would not protect him post mortem. It didn't go down easily. Frank sent him some rare brandies and frozen foods from the restaurant as a peace offering, which he, of course, accepted graciously, but had tested for poison. Through all this, Nino felt uneasy as the offending parties were left intact, perhaps to regroup. "They no go away, Louis." he warned. Mr. Prio just patted him on the back,

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