
"Oh no. I've had enough. Honest. Ha ha ha,.." little Marcus laughed, as this brute of a man with hands like steam shovel scoops gently tickled him. "Ahh Chuckie, he-a tella me you tickle spots." Marcus squealed in delight, rolling on the floor as Nino kept after him, "Haa haa ha. Nino! haa haa haa Where ha ha where are Chucky's tickle spots? haa ha ha ha." "Chucky he-a no gotta tha spots. You use-a dis cream anna squirta on his a butt? Ah?" "Yeah. Gimmie. Wait till I get him! Oh, this is cool!" Jazz Man was holding his face in his hands, just shaking his head. "Nino. Is this going to set him off? You know Chuck." "Nohh. This-a fun. This-a no bahth Chuck. You shoota the cream like-a dis, ina his butt ina the shower. Cabeesh?" "Yeah!" "You always honest. You smarta boy. You lika you momma." with an eerie inspecting eye to eye engagement. "You-a no looka like-a him. Jazz-a-man a fache brute. You looka lik-a you momma." If Nino said you look like your mother, then you look like your mother. Mirrors are tricky, they reverse things. The one person you do not see well is yourself. Even now, to a mature Piper ice cream man of the world, on his own quest, the rear view mirror didn't help. As he reflected on the you looka you momma, he just didn't see it. But he wasn't Nino. Then again, who was?

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