
immediately relevant questions. The truck was shut off, with the emergency brake locked, in fear that it might lurch if the shift were pushed. The Piper truck became a swirling buzzing hive of black bodies. The smallest climbed the highest, not merely onto the hot hood, but up and onto his shoulders and head, onto the roof. "Easy guys. Whoa!" went nowhere. Marcus Macaluso was dead meat. The horn blasting of the truck came from the many feet standing on the steering wheel as newer climbers climbed on other climbers. As loud as it was, and it was loud, the horn did nothing. Well, nothing good. It just emptied the swimming facility's deck of a hundred other kids who were now added to the swarm on the truck like ants on a dead bird. The horn meant nothing to anyone except to Frank. To him it meant hurry, Frank who was already converging on the disturbance, as Frank converged on any disturbance. You really did not want to be converged on by Frank. Frank, to any, conventional observer, was a disturbance of his own. Frank was a rhinoceros of a man. A black colossus, mountainous in his physique, titanic in his stride, magnificent walloping arms that did not echo his step but heroically poised themselves for vast action - Frank was power, Jupiter wielding lightening. A bellowed "OFF!" thundered the children from the truck, like dust blown from an old book. In a blink, AJAX went from crushed in a fetal ball to bolt upright, face to face, eye to eye, with a giant man jeweled in mean looking sweat. An angry giant man, an angry giant man with his broad black face and bulging eyes all screwed up, arms aloft with steal hands ready to tear flesh, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?" Another blink was all that was needed to see the wide space given this Goliath. A force field streamed from his pores as he exploded, "ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?"

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