
or dishonest. There were table musings about the civil ad hoc militias which sprung into being in the recent ongoing riots. Only store keepers, who were armed and who acted in concert were spared the total damage inflicted by out of control mobs ignored by the police. Natureman further lectured that the ability to form a militia, historically - even more than today - required arms already possessed by the population, before a militia need even arose. There were even fears, back then, of having an armed government, rather than an armed populace. Our revolutionary war effort drew on militias of men who supplied their own arms, more than not. But Seth Popper, being a pediatrician who primarily worked the emergency service, reminded those present that the general population is not uniformly of the Jeffersonian intellect. "There are sooooo many dumb asses out there, Bill. Just the accidents alone, forgetting the many impulsive retributions, just the unintentional disasters demand a need to rethink the gun issue. I agree with your reading of the constitution, but maybe we need to amend it - at least in some rational way." Bill thumped the table, "When you assure me that all those dumb asses, you refer to, have no guns or switch blades, then, and only then, ask me to voluntarily give up my gun." Gerry Yount, supporting his fellow anesthesiologist, pointed out that in the last two years, two surgical residents were shot and killed and a third had been stabbed and paralyzed, all in separate muggings in the parking lot of the hospital's New York City division. He would not go to that place unless he had his gun in his arm holster. He would not walk the length of the lot unless he had that gun in his hand, safety off, punctuating with, "I've got kids to raise."

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