
After a brief stunned silence, she went on. "I go to Lincoln Health service, twice a month." Silence. Dead silence, which she broke with a voice of reprimand, "It is a whole lot worse than the NYD," as the New York Division was usually called. "Where do you park?" Seth asked, in disbelief. Even he drew the line at that place. "A security driver picks me up - with the other nurses - here. He takes us to the door there. He accompanies us inside and later delivers us home." "What's that cost?", a deflated muttering was heard. "Don't know. Don't care," not missing a beat. But then, cooling a bit and with that tone of certainty or at least righteousness stripped from her voice Shannon allowed the previously unstated misgiving, "The problem is that now, the managed care companies are going around Korea and recruiting RN's to work here, with green cards, at LPN pay. We had a nurse to patient ratio of one to six. These ass holes are pushing for one to eighteen! Bargaining is dead. We could never bargain that way again, and may even lose what we've got." A subtle drift in topic had occurred unnoticed. "In Massachusetts and California the green card tide is destroying any trace of standards. A good argument for multilingual education is that you'll need to be able to yell for a nurse in six languages and understand them when they yell back something that means - die American bastard." "One to eighteen?" Seth mulled, "Shit. You'll need a bull horn. But can they do that? You know, given the immigration laws?" Shannon reddened to purple, now, "Seth! You retarded? They are HUGE. They BUY justice. They BUY law. They BUY politicians. They lobby and lobby like crazy. They get deals, exemptions, and special bills passed that the average Joe has no concept of. I'm not worried about getting shot in a parking lot. I'm worried about what is

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