
But Chuck had become justice which merely politely and clearly invited, 'Hey Sal, you're too big a guy to pick on a defenseless girl. Com'on, she's just a kid who had a bad break. You should be her supporter, someone she can look up to.' " Marcus held two palms up, like scales of justice. "There was a frenzy of silence in the gathering. They knew! My God. On the one hand, Chuck's assertion was polite, appealing to Sal's ego, granting him his power, and even friendly. But on the other hand, Chuck WASN'T STUTTERING. This was not little Chuckie. This was Justice speaking - Chuck was Justice - Justice WAS CLEAR. Hmmm? Arrogance. Arrogance is inattention. Salvatore missed that nuance. 'Fuck you. You're sister's fucking ugl.." is as far as he got as Chuck's rocket sled fist exploded into his abdomen so deep Chuck swore he cracked Sal's spine." "'Apologize to my sister when you see her.' Chuck walked away from the gagging gasping folded wreck on the ground." "Two days later, no warning, four seniors, seized the stuttering youngster by both his arms and legs. While Sal beat Chuck, they held. Lotto punched Chuck's face over and over and over and over, as Chuck spit blood in defiance and hollered, 'Y-Y-Y Y-Y- You're not t t t done, Sal.' Crashing blows which at first bounced, now lingered in the soft mud that Chuck's face had become. In the muck were defiant lips looking like bloody blow fish chum. 'Y-Y-Y-You're nnnnot done.' Swollen innocent eyes blinded with blood. But he could hear his nose broken and battered flat.Yet, even as his throat flooded with his own juices, a gurgling thick 'Yyyou're not done,' still bubbled through." The fountain spray of Chuck's blood over the four accessories is what spared him. 'Hey, we're getting drenched here, Sal. Enough already. Who's gonna clean this?' one leg holder complained."

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