
"What riots?" another guard echoed. The kids knew. There was money in it. The police obviously knew. Here was one asking. Why didn't anybody else know? The same story, from both sources, was that there was going to be a spontaneous riot, "Wanna go, Ajax?" Marcus was teased by one of the older boys. In this community, Washington Benson, at 17 was a man really, a nice fellow who liked to prod Marcus and test his views. "Are you serious?" Mac asked. "Yeah man, it's no sweat. Nothin bad's gonna happen, not Wednesday. Jes don't be hanging there Thursday," he warned, then muttered, "What's that bitch" referring to Sally, "teachin those children? No class." Then louder, "Hey, Delrina, you ain't got the equipment for that. Stop it or I'll take you a walkin," in the manner of Frank Aver but without the same voltage. "OK. Wa-shing-ton," Delrina sang as she stepped away, then teased with, "You is on her tittie. Know that, Washington?" "No class. We don't need this. Come here so I can spank your little black ass." "Catch me," she laughed and ran away. "Got spirit," Benson smiled to Mac. "She'll have a future if it don't corrupt her brain." Mac asked, "What?" "The pool." Washington then bellowed, "Officer Penchant! What you teachin these children?" "Oh com'on Wash man, the body is a beautiful thing." Penchant did a wrist flipping wave off.

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