
He brightened at that one, "Cool. Did you track down the source for those high estimates?"

"Yeah. Turns out, they were even higher, a lot higher." "Higher? Jeez. Any chance we can nail this project?"

"No. Not a chance. No funding. But the proposal might educate whoever reads it. I'll send copies everywhere. Somebody's got to read this shit. Let's see, here, put this under your seat. And last, but not least, the data we have all been waiting for. HMOs screw over crippled children. There. Oops. Excuse my arm, there are the supporting files," pointing to the floor scattered with expansion paper folders. "Solid stuff... we really owe Miltie big time." "Jesus, Shannon, you press weights? Where'd you get all that? I'll need a truck." "All that? That's just the first bit of it. I couldn't carry it all. Can you go over this much? Pleeease. Pretty please." "Holy Christ! Just what I needed. more..." "Pleeeeeease." "damned causes that have no chance..." "please please please pleeeeeeeese" "...of ever seeing the light of day cause nobody who has..." "pul-eeeeeeeeeeeze" "...any power to do anything isn't..." Marcus! Pleeeeeeze!" "...crooked and on the take." But now her eyes were pinched and boring holes into him, "Shannon. Shit. Ohhhh man. OK. Tonight. Tonight."

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