
do not speak gentlemanly to ladies, and, and they... well he, the loud one, the big guy.. he hits. Hard. People bleed. Life in the country isn't all sugar candy. Modest means do not ensure modest temperaments. Of course, there is the drinking. Call it social when it is weaved in a fabric of humanity in supportive relationships. Call it deadly when that sodden fabric rips. But, it isn't just the booze. Some folks are funny on their third pint. Hell, some need it to stop their hands from shaking enough in order to get their keys into the car ignition. But others, it's those others. Some folks are just plain ugly. Nasty is what you get when alcohol strips their inhibitions away exposing their revolting core. There was no meaner man around this nice little Normal Rockwell community than Julie's father when he was sober. Drunk, he was a disgusting stool of humanity you didn't want to step in. Even the devil would scrape this guy from his shoe in disgust. An argument without two sides, he had no redeeming traits. It isn't a question of how such beasts come to be. The span of creation and existence demands extremes. Average has meaning but not that much. It is, after all, just middle ground. The ends away from middle can go forever in both directions. So who lives way out there? At the two extremes? To the right, angels. To the left, ass holes. It's polarity. Warmth implies the existence of both cold and hot. Monsters are bound to be out there. They have always been out there. It is only a question of what we do with them. That, too, is a rip because they would never pause in question of what they should do with us. Monsters? Yes. Every age has plenty of them. Don't ask how Hitler came to be. Jesus! There were plenty of Hitlers. There still are. The question for future sanity is how such schmucks get their hands on power. Don't blame Hitler. Shit, that's a cop out. Blame us. Vigilance is our job. Why didn't we see that fucker coming

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