
Ethics Study Guide them, then it is not a person. According to Warren, a fetus does not meet these criteria; therefore, the fetus is not a person, and abortion is morally permissible. Other philosophers use criteria similar to Warren’s, concluding that a fetus lacks a right to life because it lacks rationality, self-consciousness, or autonomy. These ideas suggest various developed psychological features not found in fetuses, but diverge over exactly which features grant a right to life. There is a full range of plausible options on the issue of whether the fetus is a moral person. For example, Don Marquis makes a very unique contribution to the abortion debate. He does not appeal to the idea of personhood or religious premises in his strong anti-abortion position. Instead, Marquis argues that abortion is seriously wrong even if we assume that the fetus is not a person. He suggests that abortion is wrong because it deprives a being of a future. 8.4 Surrogacy Surrogate motherhood is an issue that has presented many unique ethical concerns. Some ethicists believe that surrogacy is ethically unacceptable because it is inconsistent with human dignity that a woman should use her uterus for financial profit, and it is exploitive because it’s really child-selling. Also, they claim that knowing that a woman is doing this to deliberately give up the child distorts the relationship between mother and child. Some other ethicists conclude that these reasons justify putting restrictions on surrogate contracts, as opposed to banning surrogacy. Others claim they can rebut each of these arguments. For example, some say that respect for individual freedom necessitates that we allow people to make choices they may later regret; or, people often do many risky things for money (race car driving, bungee jumping, sky diving). Usually surrogates choose this role because they enjoy being pregnant and the fee does provide economic compensation, which is better than alternative occupations. Many derive a feeling of self-worth because they think of this as an altruistic act. If these are the intent and motives, then it seems unlikely that the surrogate is being exploited. Surrogates agree to be impregnated, to carry the child to term, and to provide a couple with a child they could not otherwise have. Children are not property and hence cannot be bought or sold. The surrender of the child is the whole point of the agreement, and therefore this cannot be considered child-selling. 8.5 Euthanasia Euthanasia refers to the practice of ending life painlessly. The way in which euthanasia is carried out is further defined as: 1. Voluntary passive euthanasia (VPE) involves the withholding of treatments (such as chemotherapy or surgery), knowing that this may also result in death (principle of double effect). This is the most accepted form of euthanasia, and is usually done at the request of the patient or the patient’s family. ©2018 Achieve Page 60 of 116

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