
stature in the group - at least for the moment - to an unrivaled level. Except for the women present, who were groping for some insights here. Who? So what.. adolescent... Denise observed, "At least there is something other than war you boys fixate on," echoing an old Shannon argument. Then she demanded, "You all remember this ONE woman? From a picture? From, what, years and years ago? What's that, sixteen years, now?" looking at Belachnik's penciled calculations, "Gimme that." Shannon had also quickly calculated. "You were married then. You were married before medical school." Sudden silence. All heads were firm in his direction. "Yes, I was. Married, but not blind or comatose. I kept perfect decorum, after that first mess up. I saw her through to term. I delivered babies before this one. But this was MY first baby. MY OWN personal little person patient. It, he, took my vitamins - a boy. She was beautiful even then. That sticky little baby held between those gorgeous breasts. And she DID have enough milk for the whole human race. She offered, 'wanna taste? It's very sweet. It's like candy, almost. I'm gonna hate loosing these,' " trying to do Nora's body movements. "I have to tell you, the offer was fixating," as the ladies round the table moaned Oh gross.. give me a break... boobs boobs boobs.. "No, really, you had to be there. She was like a fantasy come to life in a surreal dream state of altered reality. What, with all that love and peace music - remember hippies? I took her word for it. Her milk had to be sweet. And yes, I WAS married. Married and faithful. I had lust bursting my skull almost equal to the swelling of her breasts. But I also had MY morals and MY standards to uphold There are lines we do not cross." He paused dreamily and the silence was respected. "We DO have standards, gentlemen and ladies. I held to mine. But..."

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