
anyway? The only change has been in a shift to the dominance of older brains less driven by testosterone but alas, more by greed, possession, and kingdom. Things not deeds, nor even style, let alone class. These testosterone pumped adolescent boys nearly had hard-ons from this lecture. Was he talking about the future? Was there one? Them, dragon slayers? Them, knights saving damsels in distress? Them, men of justice? This was perfect. It gave meaning to lives that they didn't know they had. Jazz Man gave them the future. Prio shaped it with structure and organization. He gave them money. He gave them Nino. Nino taught them power, power derived from organizational size and long reach, size derived from networking common causes, power from consistency and reliability, reliability from form and structure, power from speed, speed from surprise and invisibility, and all these from planning and study, study of the enemy, identifying the enemy, thinking his thoughts first. Arithmetic! You don't know when things don't add up unless you constantly keep a tally. Inventory. It isn't what's wrong with your enemy that you must fear, but what is right. Know his strengths. Feel them. Internalize them. Destroy them. In Nino's world, there are no adversaries, just men and the dead. Enemy is just a short way of saying soon to be dead. The enemy included, anyone who asks for your trust, anyone who would have you define justice, anyone who gains from your loss or who might gain from a weakness, all, who seek signatures over your word, all who cross the lines, many who might cross a line, any who show curious or spontaneous interest in you. Teachings in army building included, desperate injustice righted is a prepayment on loyalty, men needy of justice create a large and dangerous army, any who can beat you

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