
child. We'd die if..." Mr. Carlin broke it off as little Albert was straining to hear. Dr. Macaluso put up the first x-ray on the view box. "Uh huh. I see. OK," another, "Uh huh. OK Yes. Annnnd, this one. OK. Mm hmm. Yes," which was doctor talk for, "What the shit is this?" Taking the glass slides from the protective carrier and perusing them under the microscope, "Ahhh. Yes. I see. Very interesting... Folks wait here, I need to check a reference in my other office..." Yeah. Right. His other office. Ham and Kishy. Kishy and Ham. Thank goodness he had these guys. Imagine not having any idea of what to even suggest. As he went out the back door to show Kishy the x-rays in great anticipation he was also wondering what nuances Ham would add the analysis. After all, the pathologist usually gets the last word. See him last. "Yo. Kish. Check these out," snapping x-rays smartly up into place on Kishy's wall sized x-ray light box. "How would you categorize this?" Kishy smiled with his half glasses down on the tip of his nose, then turned to the images, inspecting each one ever so carefully, the way a jeweler inspects a rare gem. Kishy returned his gaze to Marcus and with that same pleasant smile asked, "So vat in hell dis is?" as Marcus's face dropped. "I'm tinking dis you got vrom Mars, maybe?" That was not what Marcus wanted to hear. It was now a mini parade. Kishy and Marcus trotted over to get the official final word from the irrefutable Muhammad who at a glance into his microscope smiled broadly with his finger pointed straight up in the air, "Aha!" The combined response was, "Aha what?" A stream of Arabic flowed rapidly as his eyes pitching and facial gestures indicated that he was describing what he saw under the microscope. His rapid fire telling suddenly went nasal sounding and ground to a stop as Kishy had him by the nose. "Dis is vot Blake does," he smiled at Macaluso as Marcus just slumped his neck.

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