
Marcus began, "Your doctor, Dr. Blake, was called to Philadelphia to testify in a Federal proceeding against a very big and powerful company. He had no choice. I was asked to take his place here to get things started until he gets back. They thought I was smart enough to do this job. I am not. I have no idea what I am doing. I don't want to tell you wrong things. I simply am not up to this job. I have failed you utterly. I beg your forgiveness." The patient transformed and turned healer. "Doctor! I'm so so sorry. Anyway, you're being way too hard on yourself! My goodness. Nobody anywhere knows what my problem is. If you keep working with Dr. Blake you'll eventually learn what he knows. It's important that his knowledge be passed on. You are a good doctor. I can tell." He paused then asked, "Who's Doctor Blake up against?" "AmeriMed." "Ohhhh no. Not them! Call him. Please. Tell him not to mess with them. I know things. Trust me on this. I know things." The body language was clear. You couldn't miss it. This man's reaction plainly expressed that Milton Blake might soon be dead. Gwen went ashen and was already frantically dialing. Marcus stood anxiously by as she repeated with trepidation what were apparently Blake's triumphant declarations, "Whipped their asses? I see. Really. Put it to them? I see. Oh. Uh huh. Well, you're done then? OK. Your ride didn't show? No. I did call. I called. No. I did. Listen to me, that is why.. Yes. A gentleman here has me worried, Milton. Maybe you shouldn't take that other ride. I don't know who they are. I know you're a big boy, but sometimes there are bigger... But.... but.... Milton! Jesus! We're being told that you might be in danger! Yes. Danger. D - A - N - G - E - R. Cabeesh? ... It wouldn't hurt to... OK . OK. Yeah. G'by."

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