
His release hitch worked perfectly. "Used those in helicopter rescues all the time." He had removed the plates first. Never can tell, was his only reason. Mounds of dirt that had been piled to eventually fill this hazard were now put to their intended use. "Perfect," Frank declared, as Marcus threw a clarification seeking glance at the odd timing of the remark. They were walking toward the tractor. Frank obliged his quizzical look, "Can't think of a better use for HMO ass holes - landfill." Marcus just did a throaty growl eye rolling affirmation. Wiping his hands with an old shirt that hung on the tractor, Frank was mulling over the tactical problems. "You know Marcus, they'll never find these bastards, but it doesn't matter They'll be missed by tonight. No matter how cool you act, how innocent, they still have you as a problem." He pulled the business cards from his back pocket, reading and rereading them. After a quiet reflection Frank made a breathy whooshing sound. "Whhhhssseuu. Venture Electronics... Bethdale? Isn't that where AmeriMed's offices are? The shit they pull... I've heard nasty stuff about them... well it isn't rumor at this point." Marcus related what he knew of the Philadelphia Blake affair. Frank was aware of some of it but not how closely Macaluso was involved in the process. Marcus did an imitation of the agitated warning that Blake's patient had given and which had Gwen all freaked out. "Yeah. I'm fucked," Marcus nodded. "That ain't so bad," Frank smiled sideways, "It just depends who's doing who. You know you're not alone. I'm in this with you, but we need real help. We need infantry. Mac, this is a war. You know? So. Do we - call the cops?" He tossed this out rhetorically, without enthusiasm, nose curled in an I don't think so sneer and a head shake of negation. Marcus made a 'beats me arm gesture' then ran the possibilities, the known facts

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