
>> Venture <<

Frank examined and quickly figured out how the electronic bugs worked. "Pretty simple," he thought, proud of himself. Making one last sweep of the upstairs, "Could use that." A radio alarm clock from the bedroom was put to use in the family room tuned to a talk station set at moderate volume. Frank Sumner was experimenting as to how far away he could be from the bug transmitter with the receiver and still hear speech with clarity. He was impressed. "These guys are good. This stuff really works." In repeating the experiment after removing the back from Marcus's television and pulling a few components out, he planted the most sensitive of the bugging devices inside near the vent holes. That TV also went into the Explorer. "Big mother," he grunted. He was glad he didn't bring the Jag, looking at the load which grew like topsy. There was the problem of what to do with the three pistols, which didn't get dumped with the bodies as Mack had early suggested. "Waste not want not," Frank offered as his only reason for retaining them. "I'll figure it out later," he thought and tucked them under the front seat, just in case. "OK. A note." He used his left hand scribbling on a piece of loose leaf paper. His outer shirt was tossed and his hair rubbed around until in complete disarray. His blue jeans didn't need any help in looking bad. They were already a mess from the recent farm work. Bethdale was easy enough to get to, west about twenty minutes away, once on the main roads. Venture Electronics took almost as much time to find as it was poorly labeled for a commercial enterprise. Most of the buildings in the area were warehouses. Venture certainly wasn't an enterprise trying to be noticed. It was a shingled three story

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