
worry, or sleeplessness. It was who he had become. Subtle facial nuances and gestures. Italian? Marcus never talked to her in Italian! Did anybody in the family even know that he had learned it? When? Odd, but this look he had, he was not to be trifled with. She tested slowly. "You were always so pure. So sweet. You were the healer that daddy promised. We all knew that. God, we're so proud of you." Her eye caught the fig around his neck and she involuntarily pulled her head back. "Sis, that's it! What the hell is that all about? Who the hell are we? I've been ripping my mind apart every single night for months. I solve medical problems of immense complexity, every day. Yet, I can't figure ME out! Things just don't gel," shaking his head in his hands, obviously troubled. "When are things ever completely clear?" Sissy side stepped. "Sis, bad men are trying to harm my children, through me." She sat there, squinting her lack of comprehension then raised one gesturing hand of question." He touched her knee, "I just killed three men.. " Sissy gasped, pallid, crossing herself with her hand coming to rest over her mouth in a tight grip of grim recognition. ".. and Christ, it was easy," he continued with his face directed at the ceiling. "It's as though I've been practicing all my life." "Oh dear God. Who? I'll call.." "Don't call anybody! Sissy, who are we? Why was dad able to come and go anywhere he pleased? Places nobody would dare to go even once, let alone over and over? Everybody fears Nino. He's, what, eighty four years old? Why does an old enforcer, I figure that much, why does he take a liking to me? Because I look like mom? Hell, I don't look like mom. Anyway, what's mom to Nino? Why do strangers tell me more about my family than I know? Why are they always there, everywhere? Who are

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