
"When nothing happens. Here, take this one." "Yeah.. resolve with ... with... resolve what? with.. with .. this piss ass prayer's too damned long! God! Help us now! YOU HEAR ME?!!" she was shreiking and shaking both her fists at the almighty. "We're good, they're bad. What the hell else you need?!" She fired again at the first pursuing car that finally made it up to the other side. "This is a race and we're not going to win it," Frank thought to himself. His past was tapping him on the shoulder. Memories flowed in a rush, the Grim Reaper. Yet, he laughed. Shannon didn't dare slip from her malignant vigilant panic to ask how he could be laughing in all this shit. Maybe he was coming apart. No. Frank was reliving that glorious childhood leap of faith, the one that landed him on Karl's balls. That is as good a way to sign out as any, he thought, so he just replayed the image and laughed again. Heroes do that.

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