
>> Hear Say 2 <<

A grandfather clock chimed eleven times then twice again drawing eyes into the unlit recesses of the old speakeasy. Illegal drink, the fuel that built this place, and so many others like it, also created a culture of disregard. Is that bad? That depends on what is being disregarded. John got back on his subject. "Ireland has long looked to America as the land where her children sought refuge and succeeded where she had not. But it was in the mid sixties, with her university students' attention fixed on our civil rights activities, looking for fresh life lessons, that sect free thinking began to organize large scale - as academic protests. It was pure mimicry. Irish students amassed in large intersectarian groups, mulling on campuses and holding hands singing We shall overcome. It worked in America, it ought to work in Ireland." The waiter anticipated, "But in America, there is a government of all the people answerable to all of the people. There is conscience. Law is grounded in inalienable rights of people in general, not Lords and Lordesses." "Ladies," Shannon whispered.

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