
"Listen. Lissss-en, Cah-tdrin, Kah-tdrin." "Oh fuck, John," Mina suddenly went red faced at her own slip of the f-word. Holding her hand over her mouth, "I never say that," her eyes were bugged while everybody made exaggerated oooooohhhh you're going to rot in hell sounds. When she salvaged her composure, she offered "Caitlyn is a nick name for Caitlyn. Does that make sense?" Shannon was giggling and wiping her eyes as John tried again, "Cah-tdrin, Kah- tdrin. And yes, the FIRST one is an endearment with nationalistic overtones," he allowed, "And it DOES make sense if you have the trained ear to hear the difference. Clearly you don't." "No." "So who is this guy Ian?" the waiter prodded. Recomposing himself, John wasn't sure as to whether he could go any further, but allowed, "Major? They have courses in this? Jesus. Ian is Katherine's twin brother. I can't .. mmm.. say more than that. I just, well, it's not that, mmmm, it's mmmm, maybe .. we could talk about.. mmm.. no.. just that he is.. mmm.. " While Mina was muttering to herself that Ian didn't sound like an Irish name, Mack prodded, "Shannon, how do you hit control reset on this guy?" With John was still babbling short incomprehensibles. The waiter just looked left and right with a big smile, "Check?" John almost fell over. "Ian? How did you.. Whoa.." "Why do you think I'm sitting here. This is my major."

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