
and leave it behind. "I am so up for this! And you don't fool me, not for a second." Poking him with her finger, "You are too." Shannon was once again at her car as if she were Achilles' charioteer. "Slow it down. I am?" "Yes you are mister cagey. Look at you. Writing notes, huh? Think I didn't notice? And by the way, I called John - You did call Mina, right? This meeting could go late. - and John was ecstatic." "Yes, I called Mina." "And?" "And what?" "What did she say?" They were now passing quickly out of home turf and onto the main roads. "You mean, after telling her about the two of us enlisting a major law school to help us topple lords of industry, thus waking up a sleeping jurisprudence system, and in the process, getting a constitutional amendment enacted?" He held his scribbled notes out where she could quickly scan them without losing her view of the road. "Mina said, that if I could, bring home two quarts of milk, one stick of butter, and a bag of shelled walnuts. Umm, then there was the thing about the card - I forget now - get a Hallmark card for signing a new constitutional amendment into law or was it a birthday card? It was one of those. I'd better get one of each." "She did NOT say that! Milk and nuts..." "Fraid so. She's no fool." Shannon shot a juicy tongue pflsssst, but in a minute began humming. After a few rhapsodic failed attempts to liven up her passenger, she finally asked, "You don't even

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