
by this with his eyes going back and forth over his poised coffee pot. Something good was coming. John first corrected a fact that nagged at him. It wasn't a century they were talking about. "It's been eight centuries that we - that is - that the Irish have been dominated. It isn’t a pleasant story," John was warning looking a bit thick in the collar. He eased the moment by musing about time. Eight hundred years was celestial time, the stuff of acrcheologists. Epochs. That's time enough to breed traits into dogs. "Christ! They're breeding docility and submission into the Celts!" he bolted upright surprising himself with this unexpected blurted analysis. But Mac just made ‘out with it’ hand gestures, flinching in case Mina thonked him again. In fact, Mina was making the same gestures. So John went on, "Actually , Gavin's story and the eight hundred years of Ulster English domination and killing are one and the same. And before I get into this, I really have to thank you, before it leaves my mind, for landing Jake Green. He was wonderful. If it wasn't for my eyes, I'd swear the guy was Irish. What a gift. He brings an intense reality to his story tellin, yet takes you away. We have him slated to read at our big famine symposium. He throws a whole new slant... Where was I?"

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