
home. Right now, savoring that swiftly delivered kick to his shin, she sat down. Her immediate concern was getting these new acquaintances oriented to a repressed reality. With that as her goal she started hammering out her cause - without even relating to the long academic legal readings that had just now finally relented. She began by reading clinical cases. Real human stories. Unlike all the hazy areas as described in the law that was just recalled, these stories were simple enough. Only an ass hole stuck on letters wouldn't get it. "The Kasovitch family has a child with cerebral palsy, a girl aged seven. The giant firm for which the father works, let's see - fifteen years there, B&TT, opted for replacement of their medical insurance plan by an HMO. Blah blah blah, let's see .. MediTrust Health takes over but excludes four families from the B&TT plan for strange technical reasons. All four families have children with birth defects. The Kasovitch child is ineligible for public assistance because of his employment, yet will be destitute if medical costs are uncovered. She is now cut off from therapy and from planned reconstructive surgeries for lack of a follow up mechanism to see it through." "Let's see... next, here, OK. Billy Holterman, a bright eight year old, with partial paraplegia was unable to walk. His HMO, FreedomCall Health Trust, approved a five day hospitalization for reconstructive surgery and approved the site for the surgery. They agreed that therapy would be needed afterward. Eight hours of surgery moved multiple muscles in both of his legs and - uh - also in the pelvis, let's see, uh rerouting various functions so that this youngster could walk. A total body cast - from chest to toes - was worn for four week as things healed. As typical, with such massive surgery, including abdominal work, Billy was on intravenous fluids and intravenous morphine, unable to eat, at all, for four days. It went

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