
Registrar of Voters 07/01/2015 – 06/30/2016

The Registrar of Voters and Deputy Registrars had a busy year maintaining voter registration records, certifying petitions, attending training sessions and servicing many elections. On October 14, 2015, a Special Town Meeting was held to discuss and vote on the sum of $59,128.98. Said money was to come from Undesignated Surplus. After a brief discussion, the vote taken okayed the money to reconcile the accounts. Election Day was November 3, 2015 to vote on referendums. Of the 5, 925 registered voters as of October 27, 2015, there were 807 ballots cast in person and 82 absentee ballots cast making the total votes cast to be 889 resulting in 15% Voter Turn-out. On March 5 and 6, 2016 caucuses were held for the Maine Republican and Democratic Parties. The Political Parties in Maine are: Democratic, Republican, Green Independent and Libertarian. There is no Independent Party in the state but those who have chosen Unenrolled could consider themselves to be Independent. On May 26, 2016 SAD#6 held its School Budget Meeting/Vote at the middle school. All of the articles voted upon were approved and now will appear on June 14, 2016 as the Budget Validation Referendum. Just over 10% of our voting population came to the June 14’s election. A Town Meeting was held on June 18, 2016 to finish voting on town affairs. The next election will be in November 2016. June 14, 2016 was the voting day for the Maine State Primary and Town and School Election. Of the 5,883 registered voters as of May 24, 2016, there were 256 ballots cast for the Democratic Primary, 313 ballots cast for the Republican Primary, 697 ballots cast for Annual Town Meeting and 696 ballots cast for School District No.6 Budget making it to be 11.82% Voter Turn-out. On May 6, 2016, Kristine (Kristy) Lawrence, Deputy Registrar, lost her battle with cancer. She

will be greatly missed. Respectfully Submitted,

Ruth M. Scheibenpflug Registrar


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