African Wildlife & Environment Issue 80
Ashton, P.J., Hardwick, D. & Breen, C.M. 2008 . Changes in water availability and demand within South Africa’s shared river basins as determinants of regional social-ecological resilience. In : Burns, M.J. &Weaver,A.v.B. (Eds.) Advancing Sustainability Science in South Africa. S tellenbosch: Stellenbosch University Press. Pp 279 – 310. Ashton, P.J. &Turton,A.R. 2008.Water and security in sub-Saharan Africa: Emerging concepts and their implications for effective water resource management in the southern African region. In : H.-G. Brauch, J. Grin, C. Mesjasz, H. Krummenacher, N.C. Behera, B. Chourou, U.O. Spring, P.H. Liotta and P. Kameri-Mbote (Eds), Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts – Volume IV. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Pp 665 – 678. Barbier, E. & Homer-Dixon,T.F. 1996 . Resource Scarcity, Institutional Adaptation, and Technical Innovation: Can Poor Countries Attain Endogenous Growth? Washington, D.C.:American Association for the Advancement of Science. Falkenmark, M. 2007. Good Ecosystem Governance: Balancing Ecosystems and Social Needs. In Turton,A.R., Hattingh, H.J., Maree, G., Roux, D.J., Claassen, M. & Strydom,W.F. (Eds). 2007. Governance as a Trialogue: Government – Society – Science in Transition. Berlin: Springer Verlag. Pp. 60 – 79. Falkenmark, M. 1991 . Rapid population growth and water scarcity: the predicament of tomorrow’s Africa, in Davis, K. & Bernstam, D. (Eds) Resources, Environment and Population. NewYork: Oxford University Press pp 81-94 Falkenmark, M. 1993 . Landscape as Life Support Provider:Water- related Limitation, Population Summit of theWorld’s Scientific Academies, New Delhi, October 1993, in Graham-Smith, F. (Ed.) Population - the complex reality. London: Royal Society. Falkenmark, M. 1994 . The Dangerous Spiral: Near-future Risks for Water Related Eco-conflicts. In ICRC . 1994. Water andWar. Symposium onWater in Armed Conflicts. Pp 10-28. Montreux, 21-23 November 1994. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Pallett, J., Heyns, P., Falkenmark, M., Lundqvist, J., Seeley, M., Hydén, L., Bethune, S., Drangert, J. & Kemper, K. 1997 . Sharing Water in Southern Africa. Windhoek: Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN). Turton,A.R. 2021. Understanding the Evolution of the National Intelligence Service and its Contribution to South African Democracy. In Nongqai, Journal of National Security History in Southern Africa,Vol. 12; No. 4. Turton,A.R. 2008.The Southern African Hydropolitical Complex. In Varis, O.,Tortajada, C. & Biswas,A.J. ( Eds.) Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lakes. Berlin: Springer Verlag. Pp. 21 – 80. Turton,A.R. &Ashton, P.J. 2008. Basin Closure and Issues of Scale: The Southern African Hydropolitical Complex. International Journal of Water Resources Development Volume 24, Issue 2. Pp 305 - 318. Turton,A.R.,Ashton, P.J. & Jacobs, I. 2008. The Management of SharedWater Resources in Southern Africa. CSIR Report No. CSIR/NRE/ WR/ER/2008/0400/C. IMIS Contract No. 2009UNA073263853111. Lusaka: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa – Southern Africa (UNECA-SA).
The simple truth is that South Africa has outstripped its readily available freshwater supply, so business as usual is no longer an option if a bloody revolution of unmet expectations is to be averted.This analytical capacity was created within the South African intelligence services at a time when there was a global shift in thinking about national security, so we can only hope that this capacity has been retained and is still functional. It is in our collective best interest that it is. Clearly population is an environmental factor when water availability is unable to sustain livelihoods, which makes it a national security issue as well. Water from Lesotho flows by gravity through tunnels from Katse Dam to the outlet into the Ash River near Clarens in the Free State. From here it flows to the Vaal Dam to supply Gauteng. Photograph: John Ledger
Prof Anthony Turton Centre for Environmental Management University of the Free State
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