Alcalá 1984

Secretary of Justice

John Tenuta As Secretary of Justice my position entailed re– sponsibility for all Judicial functions of USO. This In– cluded being the representative In all d isc/pl/nary cases as well as being the presiding ChiefJustice of the ASS Student Court. The court Itself reviewed the constitutionality of all leg/slat/on passed In the Stu– dent Senate, hadJurisdiction of traffic and parking violations and reviewed all club constitutions. Hell of a Job description, eh? Well I d idn't always talk /Ike that, until/ got theJob. Really, I'm a fair andnice guy. Ask any lawyer or Judge/ Better yet, ask any– one who got a parking ticket/

Secretary of Communications

Judy England MyJob as Secretary of Communications dealt primar– ily with-you guessed It-communication between the ASS and the Student Body. I was responsible (with the help of Internal Communications Secretary Mary Duren and Ex– ternal Communications Secretary Laura Del/afield) for publicizing any and all ASS sponsored events on and off campus. I accompllshed this by putting out banners and Hyers, utilizing showcases, table tents, and the pub/le media. I also brainstormed new eyecatchlng forms of advertising. I was also responsible for putting out the monthly ASB calendar, which Included all dally events and activities for the entire month. I sat on the Program Board, which was responsible for approving the scheduling and programming of all ASB activities. I was also a member of the Student Senate. It was a bigJob but I truly liked It andgot so much done with the help of two very enthusiastic assistants and the Communications Committee. I hope we kept you In– formed/


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