Alcalá 1984

Press Secretary

Sheri Hirsch As Pren Secretary my Job was to be the llason between the ASB and the •tudent body. Each week I produced a flyer deta/1/ng ASB related events such as meeting•, propo•al1 and activities. This helped to keep clueless In, div/duals Informed. It also allowed me to know about everything before you did. It was fun. P.S. • T.J., get your own office next time.

Community Services Directors


Don't th••• two look /Ike responsible and well organized Individuals? Well, they proved themselves this year by being the directors of community services. Daryl-Lynn Lall/ and Tim Durnin helped to coordinate many acNvltles that benefitedboth the com– munity and our students. USD's student, were given the chance to meet new people and Interact among them while performing such good dtHlds as housecleaning (which we seldom do for ourselves) and yard work during the successful Senior Citizen's Out– reach Weekend; both fall and spring of this year. They also spon•ored Christmas card– Ing for the Senior Cfflzens communHy. Other successful ventures Included trips to mis, •Ions In TQuana, the Nazareth House for Or, phan• and St. Vince de Paul Shelter Center, and a HallowHn party.


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