Alcalá 1984


Tom Ash The LARK, as headed by our always-sm/1/ng Tom Ash, was busy In bringing entertainment to the USO campus throughout the year. Sporting events Including Monday Night Football, the 1984 Winter Olympics, and the World Serles were shown on the big screen TV. The most successful of events were the Study breaks which provided music and comedy acts combined with beer, wine and refreshments on Thursday nights. Hopefully, these activities w/11 set the precedent for even more enteralnment In the coming years. ( You can stop sm/1/ng now, Tomi)



The Bullpen, not to be confused with the LARK, or with the Student Union (even If they are In the same place) brought to us some of the most talented groups In the area. They sponsored the "Noontime Concerts" held every other Wednesday In the Student Union. These Jazz and rock concerts brought such groups as Ella Ruth Plgge, Systems and "The Rlverpeople" to which students ate to the beat. The Bullpen, directed by Cathy Harr/. son, also sponsored the Kennedy Mini– Serles on the Big Screen TV In Novem– ber.

Vera Pantovlch, Michael Lynch, Casey Moonan, Cathy Harrison.


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