Alcalá 1984

SPEAKER 1 S BUREAU Tim Leahy The Speaker '• Bureau I• a force dedicated to bringing Informative and entertaining 1peaker'1 to USO. Direc ted b y Tim Leahy, the bureau ha1 brought a great variety of gue•t• to appear at the Camino Theater and Solomon Lecture Hall. Fall 1eme1ter brought John Ander1on and Michael Morgan• tern of "How to Make Love to a Woma, fame to USO to help educate the 1tudent body. Tim al•o helped to make ff poHlble for the "Frank.,, andDavi•" appearance. Spring 1eme1ter prom/led to be Ju•t a, good If not beHer.


Peter McGuine • Chainnan

The El.ct/on, CommlH•e headed by Peter McQu/ne I• In charg• of conducHng all official e/ec. Hon• held on ttt. USO campu•. From ASB to Home– comlft(I •ltlctlon•, h• and hi• vo/untHr• •pend many hou,. gefflng IHIOPI• to the poll• and counting out ttt. ballot• at th• end of the day. ff'• a tough Job but •omHne'• goHa do It. The real benefit come, from ttt. knowltldg• that they have carried out the d•mocratk: prlnclp,. of thl• country to the be•t of tht1/r abllltltl•-and they al•o find out who win• flr•t.


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