Alcalá 1984


The program board, head«J by our notorlou• V/ce,Prez, Mark G/nella, was re•pon•lble for the planning of all of USD's on and off campu• •oclal acHv/. H••· Compo•ed of repr•••ntatlv•• from every a•pect of •tudent life (from Mary "I nefld your picture taken for the yearbook" Marlcovlnovlc to Mike " I have a mov,. •cheduled that night" David) the program board .ch«Juled event• •uch as Hotn«omlng, M•Ac Day• and Torero WHk. nt.y plonn«I and organized event• by the vartou• campu• organization• •o that there were no eonfllcHng dot••·

IOTTOM II0W: Jon Pace, Daryl-Lynn Lall/, Mark Glnella, BIii Hogan, Dolor•• lw,o, Tom Ash TOP ROW: Sue Pardee, Shawn O'Hearn, Barbara Schmitz, Cathy Harrison, Mike Davi•, Sue Burke, Judy England, Shawn Caine, An– ,,.tt• lloy MISSING: Mary Markovlnovlc, Steve Callaway, Tim Leahy and Slst., Tim.


In the Inter-Club Council (USD '• ver– •lon of the U.S. congre••J group• •lugged It out tor •om. $4,000.00 a••· me•ter. Compo•ed of repreHnfatlv•• from evefy USD club, the ICC ••rved as a source of Information to club• and a• a colhH:Hve /ntere•t of thl• council to the Senate, Program •oard, and •udget CommlffH. Headed by the l'HIVer•weary s.t:re– tary of Student Organization•, Shawn O'Heam, the ICC funded •uch diver•• affairs as the •arlcman Talent Show, varlou• bake •ale•, ••veral dance•, Mission Club dinners for the poor, fl•h· Ing trip• to En•enada, and counNess other event•. While the council felt It was con•I•· tenNy underfunded and many worthy event• never paHed funding, It sN/1 pro. vlded funding for a great dflal of what many called "the best year for acHvl– t/es In a long Nme.

KNEELING: Carole Smith, Robin Randall, Siobhan Rhea, Annette Kitagawa, Chris II/chards, Craig Yanagi ROW 2: Clare D'Ago•Nno, Mercedes Albe,., hatrlce Cruz, Terry Poole, Tatiana Jimenez, Blanca Bldarl, Patricia Miya, moto, Jordana Lauterbaugh, Judy Gauer, u,a GIii, Darey Deno,, Shawn O'Heam (Chair) ROW 3: Brian Toner, Madellne Russo, Jesus Batista, David Wal/Ing, Jett McMIiian, Josef Sehruf, GrtJg Bart, George Ma/1/nkrodt, Ann Waggon«, St•v• Greene, Dennis Chamberland, Paul Davis, Tony Soman, lego, Mike Davis


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