Alcalá 1984


ev•nt, and Speaker, lnculdlng r•pre,enatlv•• from th• Pad,w1, Chan– nel 39, and Me,a Dl1trlbutlng. Worltlng clo,.,y with th• San D'-go prote11lonal Chapt•r ot AMA, IM ,tudent, ar• given many opportun. ,,., to ~om• acttv•IY Involved In San D1-go bu1lne11••· BACCHUS aACCHUS (aoo,ttng Alcohol Con1clou1ne11 Concerning UnlvMllty Student,) 1, a unlv•r•lty ,.v•I, 1tud•nt-run organization promoting ,,,. r•1pon1lble u•• ot alcohol. aacchu, mem~r, worlt hord 1ponl0rlng event, ,uch a, Alcohol Awarene11 W-lt, and advancing the k»a that •veryon• ha, a cholc• to drink or not to drink. aacchu, hof»• to maintain a high level ot awarene11 concerning alcohol at USD. n..-, a/10 1pon1•r th• annual 11 aacchu1 Celebrity lloa1t." BARKMEN TM aarltm•n area group ot tun-loving undtlrgradua,., c»l/gn.d to ~tit and enhance the 1oclal llv•• ot USO 1tudtlnt1. n.. larlc~ 1pon1or ,uch 1oclal •vent, a, IM Ta,.,,, Show, mov,.,, and a ho1t ot w.-lt•nd partte,. Th•y hav• l10 contributed th•lr Hnllc•• toward H~omlng ,.,tlvlt,., during w-lt. BETA ALPHA PSI The National Schola1tlc and Prote11lonal Accounting Fraternity o,»n to ~r,on, who have achl•ved 1chola1tlc and/or prott,11/onal ••c.l· lence In th• tleld ot accounting, who have "--n Initiated according to the official ritual, and who a,w In goad ,tandlng. 1" ob,-Ctlv•• Of9 ,,,. promotion ot the 1tudy and practlc• ot accounting, the prolllllon ol opporlunlt,., tor ••lt·d•v•lopm•nt and a11oclatlon amoung ,,,.,,,,,_,, and practt,lng accountant,, and th• encourag•ment ot a ,en,. ot ethical, 1oclal and pub/le r•1pon1lbllm.1. Behavorial Scienee CU, TM a.s. Club 1, a club mac»-up ot p,chology and nonp1ychology major, lntere,t•d In ~havloral ,c,.nc•. In 11'1 f#rlt Mrw at USO It ha, been v•ry actlv• 1pon1orlng trip• to ploc•• Ilk• DIIIHly/and and ,pon1orlng th• controv•r1lal P1ychlc Fair.

111• Accounting 1oc,-1y l1 a 1fud•nt orr,anlzatlon which promot•• lnt•ractlon ot accounting 1tuc»nt1 In acac»mlc, community and pro– ,..,,ona, •n<»avor,. ,,,. accounting ,oc,.ty 1pon1or1 a varl•ty of 1,,.alt•n throughout th• year and conduct tour, ot local and lnt•ma– tlonal CPA firm,. Th• accounting ,oc,.ty a/10 ho,t a dlv•r1lty ot ,oclal octtvm., Involving faculty, alumni, and '-at»r, In th• bu1lne11 commu– nity. A A A/EN'S CLUB TM Alcala •n•, Club l1 a ••rvlc• orr,anlzot#on to th• Unlv•r•lty of San DI~ and th• San D1-go Community In pneral. On• ot ~ actlv/. ,,., ot the AMC l1 to act upon the ,-qw,t ot USD a, official ,wpr••enta– ttv•• ot tM Unlv.,,lty at USD 1pon1•red act/viii•• and function,. Appl/. cation, tor mem~r,hlp are o~n to all un"-rgradua,. m•n who m_, •~m.d qualltlcatton,. A WOltliEN 'S CLUB TM Alcala Wom.n•, Club l1 a 1M11lc• organization of women who or• ••lect.d on th• ba1l1 ot 1uch crlt•rla a, acadtlmlc ach,.v•ment, 1-ad.,.,hlp and d•~ndabllty. TM ,,_ tac•t• ot A WC are ,ervlc• to the Unlv•r11ty, 1M11lc• to th• community, and wom.n•, awar•ne11. AWC partlclpat•• In ,uch actlvl"-• a, wo,,,.n•, Opportunity w-lt, TM Gov•mor•, VIP LuncMon, USO Fa1hlon Show, ~ Hearl ot San DI~ Marathon, and the 1tocltlng pro,-Ct tor Wo,,,.n•, Comm/11/on of Alcohol. AL 'ALA PARK Pf.AYERS 111• Alcala Parle play.,., or• uso•, v•ry own drama club. "'-Y pro. due• two play• a ,.,,,.,t•r, In which 1tudtlnt1 1-am to produc• play• In all dlffer•nt a1,,.ct1 ot th.atrlcal production whl,. a/10 earning crKIII. AMERICAN MARKETIVG ASSOC/A TION TM Am«#can Marlt•tlng A11oclatlon provk»• 1tudtlnt1 lnter•1ted In marlr•ttng and adv•rt11lng with a I/nit ~tw-n th• campu, and th• pro,.11/onal San D1-go au1lne11 community. ,,,. AMA orfJOnlz•• many

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