Alcalá 1984

Ing polltlcal ,,,,.,.,, wltflln ,,,. USD C-,ut/ty. ,.,,. club o,-gonlzN .v.,,,. for,,•• ~ and~ (/Nit .,,...,. lo ,,,. ~ - rt.. "-ttch Club ,,,..,. •v-,y ......, lo pion and dluuu • .,.,.,._ MMn"-n al,o ,,,.., ta lmprov• fNlr ~ 11r•1 and lo »om mar. about IN "-ttt:h cullur9. n.. club ,pomon an -,a1 c,,..,. IAotty, Chrl1tma• hlrty and ra,.,,t lhow lot UnlvM,Jty-wlt» participation. Germon lb ,.,,. club ,,.,,,, thoN ln,.,.,tH to ·"~· ,,,. "-"""" Cflltu,-, and to pro,:tfc• "'-Ir /anguog. 11r•,. nt.y ~ ,,_,., ~ ,.,lfval•, ~ In ""'""1n ,.,,auronn, attend tl«man cont:«11 and v,.w 0"""'1n ,11m•. tvTERNATIONA ,,,. lnlernallonol S#ut»nt Orponlzatfon WOI lount#d to lac~ tM Ihorlng, 1-antlng, and a,,,,,.clatfon of th9 ~t cunvr.• ol tn. world. It /1 compr#Nd of both tor.tgn and AINrlcan I1ut»nfl. Its ftlnc. tfon• lnchHH ,,,. popular lnt.mat#onal~t. and lnf.,-natlonal Cullurol ,.,ffval, 1ocla/I and gw•t ,,,_..,._ All Ihld«tt1 atlwtdlttg USD or• •llglb/9 for ,.,,.,,,,,.,.hip. n.. ISO I• a ,,,.,,,,,., ot ,,,. caMtonila lnt«na– llonal ShldentI A11oclaflon. ITAL/AN CLL6 ,.,,. purpoN of ,,,. Ital/an Club /1 lo flnt:oura,,_ and motfva,. young ,,.op,. to hov• a b9tt., und9ntandlng ot ,,,. Ital/an cunvr., ,,.,,,,,,,., and languo,,_. ,,,. club I• ,.,ponllb# for orr,onlnno done••, 1-t:rur.1, ffal/an lllm1, pizza partl9•, 01 w.,, 01 num.rtiu• fund.rol..,.. ~ of th9 mo•t Important ocffvm., ot ,,,. Ital/an Club /1 ff1 ••t.,,llv• tulot#nfl program tor Ital/an I, II and Ill I1ut»nt•. AK>DEL TED NA S rh• MtHul llnllH Notion• II a club Mlifln«I to lltnulat9 ,,,. llnHH Nation• at a UnlvM,Jty ,.v.,. MUN ho• ttt. Tn~tfon ot malrlnfl 1hld«tt• awar• ot "'- lnfHlr worltlng1 of,,,. UN and to t.«h CHbatfng, ,.~h, and dlplomotfc I1tl#I, A nal#onal conl«wfc•, mod9,.d alt., ttt. IHI, /1 Mid annually at which varlou1 Unlv_,11,,., a,. ,.,,,-..,,IH. PEOPLE TO PEOPLE P.ap/9-to-P.opt. I• an on-compu• organuatton ,pon•OIVHI by th9 ll•llg/oul Shld,.• Club. ,,,. goal of l'.apl.-to-~ I• to promo,. th9 understanding and oct;9ptanc• of ottt.r cultur•• and notion•. Trt1I I• accompll~ through Rvlnfl for a lfnN In third world countrt.1 ,u,:h 01 P•ru and Ind/a. PEPBAflD School lp/rll /I "'- k•Y to what th9 USO ,,_,, land lI all about. "'- ,,.,, land ,. ma<» up of O Oroup of 11uc»nt, who MVO,. "'-Ir ffnw and mu•lcal ability to• •"cff-,,,.nt and promo,. ,chool ,plrtt. ,,,.,, 9nthu•la1tfc •ttorn may b9 IHn at football and ballr•~II f10"H'I, a, w•II a• otMr Ichool r.lotH •v.,,t•.

·APPA KEGGA BmClrt rappo lt-,,ga I• a local "•oclallzlng" fratwnlty who•• lt•y ~,.on 1M .«lal.,,joytrHHtt of It• nHHn"-n. Anyon. lnf.,••fH ma, Join, en ETIC~• not dl,crlmlnaf• on tn. ba•I• of..", roe•, or form ol «nplo'f"*'I. Ent rnMnl»r• ,,., fOfJtltn.r a• OltM a• ttt.y Ille• to ",oclolln", a• gathering• a,., for IN mo,t part, IpontatH10UI. r,,1, Ent , tMlr good q,lr#fl to htllp all •""'-"fl "•oclallz•" wltfl many r.o.•, which w.,. V-,Y popular. TERS ACTION (CIA) nw CIA ,. a group of l/$0 Ihld9ntI who ,,,.., blw..tly to k-,, lnfonn«I on ,chool ocffvm.I, to plan cammut•r club actfvlfl•• (I.•. Utelt ,,_,,.,, Julian App/9 ,.,ffval, Zoo auttngI, and ottt.r campuI •wnll. •le.) and Mlp with month malllng of Ichool Information to ~ -,.,,.Y 0/10 organlz• carpool• tor varlou1 Ichool tunetfonI and othM ~ ocffvm.• wltfl IN goal of MIHll#fflng th• commu,.r 11udMI tftrough ,,.at. lnvolv•trHHtt. FOR EXCEPTIONAL o«.DREN nw SCEC /1 a prote•llonal orpanlzatfon madfl up ofItud•nt• 1n,.,.,,. «I In tM n.ld of ,pee/al Hueaffon. rh• councll /1 lnvolvH In many octtv11»1 IUCh en 1M Sp«:lal Olympie• and ll•ach Program, through IN A11oclat#on tor ll•tar"-d Cltfz.,,,, Chrl•tma1 program tor tn. Chll– drwl'1 Ho,pltol, att«ldanc• at a ,tat• CEC conv•ntlon a• w.,I 01 a,raoglng worltu,op1 and mov,.• for USO •ludentI. . 'SENADA F/Slr,JG CLL6 nw EnHnada FlIh/ng Club /1 a group organlzH to partlclpat• In IN ~ of "--P·HO flIhlng, regard,.,. ot yourpr•vlou• •"P9"-nc•. n.. club organlaI annual frlpI to Iupport tn. ,port. OGY Q.L6 nw goal ot 1M 1/ology Club I• ta tak• •tudent• out at tM cla••room lltuaflonl and plat:• ih.m In thoN •nvlronm•nt, which w• lnt.,act. ,0,f octfvltl91 hav• lnclud«I backpacking trip• to d•••rt• and moun– ,-,,, """' and gw•t 1-clur••- ACIC SnaNT INON 11w ISU provk»• an opportunity for •ludent, to lnvolv. th9mI•lv•• pol/tl,:ally, .conomk:al/y and •oclally within lh9 USO community and ~tr en a wtioM. ,,,. club ,. ocffv• In hind ralNn, community ••rv• and ,oclal function•. ••rvlc• organization devotH to promoting ItutNnf lnvolvHm•nt In community and on-campuI NrY• pro/.ct,. A co-9d club, Clrc,.-K I• /nvolvH with ffl• SP9Clal Olymple1, O.,om, s.,,1o, Cltlz•n• Outr.ach w.. k•nd and varlouI oth– ., projKt1. Part of tM K-lomlly, C/r,:,-.K,. th• col~ .c,ulva1-nt of th9 ,c_.., Club and ,,,. Klwam,tt••, and I• -,,on•orH by th• Klwan/I. 'OOEGE REPLf!LICA/1/S 11w USO chapter of INCol~ ll•pub/lcan• I• d•dlcatH to •lfmulat- fKlE,K Clrc•ll II a wor#dwl"-, unlv.,.lty ,.v.,

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